

Flight data generator
 /   /  ZitGen

1. Objective

In 2013, the Russian Federal Law "About Transport Security" (No. 16-FZ) was amended, which required the transfer of data about all flights and passengers to specialized databases of the EGIS OTB. Access to this database was also from the web page, however, entering each of the passengers with their passport data took too much time, especially given that the proposed portal worked very slowly. I found that the data can be imported from the csv file, so I proposed to the Air Line Company a solution that automatizes the process of sending data.

2. Result

Web application with the following functionality:

  • LDAP authentication with Active Directory
  • The presence of three user roles: view, change, full access. Change the application interface depending on the role.
  • Import data from files in Excel format
  • Ability to manually upload data in CSV format
  • Automatically upload data to CSV and send via FTP
  • Automatic receipt and parsing of vintages from FTP about successful or erroneous loading of data into the system

3. Experience

I got an experience with:

  • PHP programming language
  • JavaScript programming language
  • jQuery library
  • jTable plugin
  • select2 plugin
  • VipNet certified equipment
  • MySQL server and database architecture
  • Apache web server
Main page

Project details

Client: Aviashelf

Date: June 30, 2014

Import of files was developed taking into account the already existing form for import to the "Sirena-Travel" database in the Excel file. I decided that each sheet would be responsible for the specific shoulder of the flight and contain a list of passengers on it. The first version of the program parsed the completed file, gave errors if they were and if everything was filled correctly, the data was entered into the database and immediately displayed on the screen (ajax-request). Passengers could be transferred between flights, edit, delete, add - all standard actions. Then, using the tick, the necessary flights were selected, the export button in the CSV was clicked, and the finished file was uploaded by the user to the final database of the EGIS OTB.

In the current version, it was decided to fully automate the transfer of files between us and EGIS OTB. To do this, in 2014 the VipNet Coordinator software and hardware complex was purchased, which was configured for a permanent encrypted certified VPN connection. I have added a program for automatically uploading data to a folder and uploading them via FTP, as well as getting back the receipt about the success of uploading to databases via another FTP connection. In addition, the database was expanded to store flight composition data. The program has been working successfully for more than three years.

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