In 2016, I joined the band as the second guitarist and after a while it was decided to create a website. It had to have a full translation into English and Russian, and also contain information about past and future performances of the group, it’s history. Adding of photos and commenting on past performances were not announced initially, but were welcomed.
Website with the following functionality:
In the process of choosing a CMS, it was decided to get away from standard solutions like Wordpress and especially Joomla, because they use quite a lot of resources and contain many functions which are not needed on this simple site. Tweaking the same Wordpress takes quite a long time. I chose a new Grav CMS for me, which does not use a database, but writes everything to files. If there are SSDs on the hosting and PHP cache is enabled, data is loaded instantly. These pages are stored in Markdown and are generated using the Twig template.
At the moment, the site operates well and loads very quickly, will full translation into English and Russian. When a new event/performance is created, it is displayed on the main page of the site, and after the event has passed, it disappears from there automatically. When adding photos from an event, they automatically create a gallery and also create icons for viewing and zooming. Comments are downloaded from a separate cloud service Cackle and are not stored on the hosting, the load time of the module is also very fast. I am very satisfied with this work.