
Drug tester

Random employee generator
 /   /  Drug tester

1. Objective

The Air Line Company needed to create an application for random testing of employees for drugs. The sample group had to be chosen specifically: the chance to be sampled into a new test group for employees who already have been chosen for a drug test in the current period should be minimized. As a result, for the entire period, all employees have to pass the test at least once in 2 years.

2. Result

Web-app with functionality:

  • Authentication system
  • Full CRUD functionality in all tables without page refresh
  • Multiple filter by every grid row
  • Multiple search in grids
  • Adding employees to the testing groups using the predicted probability algorithm
  • Unloading tested groups in Excel

3. Experience

I got an experience with:

  • ExtJS 6.2 frontend library based on JavaScript
  • Laravel 5.3 framework and it's ORM based on PHP
  • Dingo API package for creating RESTful API
  • PHPExcel 1.8 library
  • Composer dependency manager
  • MySQL server 5.7 and DB architecture
  • Apache 2.4 web-server
Test creation page

Project details

Client: Aviashelf

Date: February 09, 2017

The work in the current web-application is as follows. The first thing to do is to create a period in the "Periods" tab, which specifies the start date and end date. Then you create a test and in the "Employees" tab you can either add the employee manually, or select using the random selection algorithm.

The next tab "Positions" also allows you to select a position from the list in a random manner, according to which employees will have to pass the drug test. In the third tab "Commissioners" you choose people who should stay in the medical room and monitor over the process and it’s results.

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